Saturday 28 April 2012

Looks like the black dog is rearing its head

I've had a couple of down days, where I've not really been to the gym, or been bothered that I wasn't doing any exercise, I didn't rush for the ice cream or sweets but just thought, screw it, I'm done what am I bothering for, this is a waste of time, I couldn't pull myself out of the funk, I guessed it was my downswing to my upswing of late, it made me realise I can still have moments of depression that last long enough to almost throw me off my journey to a fitter me.

I managed to get out of bed early enough to attend Boxercise today, since through staying up late, or being extra tired, I've missed it for about three weeks, which was damned annoying, I still had a niggling give up feeling going on but I got in there and punched bags, kicked pads and ran, I then went into the gym and challenged myself to row ten miles on the rowing machine which I did but felt pretty drained afterwards, managing it in an hour and twenty two minutes, I may try for more miles in future but will be finding something softer to sit on, as the little seat starts getting really uncomfortable.

I'm so very close to being sub fourteen stone, to give up now, means I've wasted the last few months and I'm just not prepared to do that, I'm going to push myself on, since I felt much better once I'd finished at the gym and had a spot of really healthy lunch.

I am also going to take part in a Tough Mudder event in November, ten to twelve miles of obstacles, water and mud, it looks fantastic, the only problem I'm having is the travel, it seems there is no direct bus links between the nearest station and the event site, I also need to camp overnight as the earliest train wouldn't give me enough time to get there, still these are obstacles I'll overcome.

I think I may also start training for this event on Tuesday, the first day in May, which seems like as good a time as any and this should hopefully pull me out of the current funk

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